
We began our mission to serve a strong society in 2012, in Norrköping, Sweden. Over the past ten years we have evolved as a company and expanded our business to contribute to a world of free people.

  • 2012
    Company founded under the brand Military Work.
  • 2013
    Partnership agreement with the Swedish Armed Forces
  • 2016
    Expansion within Sweden to multiple regions
  • 2017
    Expansion to Finland
  • 2018
    Expansion to Denmark
  • 2020
    MW Group transformed into MW Group; MW Geospatial Solutions and MW Forest Sense were founded
  • 2021
    MW Group acquired 3GNS, integrating it into MW Field Services. We also acquired a minority stake in Arbonaut and eCiceron.
  • 2022
    MW Group partnered with Your Special Delivery Service and the Wingefors brothers to launch LogSec
  • 2023
    Founded MW Strategy
  • 2024
    MW Group acquired a majority share in Arbonaut

MW Group (formerly Military Work) was founded in 2012 in Norrköping, Sweden out of a genuine commitment to support the Swedish Armed Forces’ transformation from a conscription system to a voluntary and employed defence. From the comrades ‘associations for Coastal Rangers, Paratroopers and Military Interpreters’ to working with the civilian merit of military service; the idea was born to create a company specialising in recruiting and staffing civilian organisations, with individuals with experience in military service. MW Group has placed a special focus on creating jobs that could be combined with military reserve service. The founders of the company were Mikael Karlsson, Johan Karlsson, Simon Österström, Martin Carlsson-Wall, Jimmy Johansson and Hans-Peter Lindqvist.

In 2017, Military Work began its international expansion by establishing operations in Finland, followed by Denmark in 2019.

In 2020, Military Work became MW Group, transitioning from staffing to a modern Nordic defence and societal critical service provider.

After transforming into MW Group, we entered a period of high growth and launching of new by MW Group founded subsidiaries and acquisition of companies forming the new group – such as MW Forest Sense, 3GNS, MW Geospatial, eCiceron, LogSec, Arbonaut, and MW Strategy.

The compass – is an important symbol for the company, which has traditions that stretch all the way back to the company’s first strategy meeting. Jimmy Johansson, one of the company’s founders, spoke enthusiastically about the importance of navigating forward with clear values in building the company so that we would be a reliable partner for our employees, our customers, and the Armed Forces we work with.

The compass is an important military tool that illustrates our heritage but is also a symbol that our values govern and our reliability as a partner should lead us right in everyday life.